July 27, 2024
Strattera (Atomoxetine) description of the drug

Strattera is a trade mark of the international pharmaceutical company Eli Lily. The active agent of the medication, however, is used by other companies too. It is called Atomoxetine and is a highly selective potent inhibitor of presynaptic carriers of norepinephrine. The substance is used in the medications designed for the management of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The medication is sold with Rx only in some countries but you can buy Strattera or a generic version of the medication online from RxShopMD.com to get it significantly cheaper than at the regular drugstores and without a prescription.

When is the medication prohibited to be used?

The contraindications for the formulation use include:
– Hypersensitivity to the drug;
– Angle-closure glaucoma;
– Simultaneous use of MAO inhibitors;
– Lactation period;
– Children’s age (up to 6 years).
Besides, it is also recommended to use it cautiously in:
– Hypertension;
– Tachycardia;
– Violation of brain blood circulation;
– Low blood pressure and diseases that cause it;
– Pregnancy.

How is Strattera used?

You can buy generic Strattera without Rx but we recommend you to consult a doctor first to get personal recommendations on the dosage. The general dosages are:
One pill a day taken in the morning. If the single dosage causes adverse effects, it can be split into two intakes – one in the morning and another in the afternoon or early evening. For kids and adolescents with the body mass less than 70 kg, the dosage is 0.5 mg per kilogram that is raised to 1.2 mg per kg in three or more days. If no improvement of the condition is observed, the daily dosage can be raised to the maximum of 1.8 mg per kg or 120 mg but it should not be used sooner than in two to four weeks of the pills use. The recommended maintenance dosage is 1.2 mg per kg.
Kids, adolescents, and adults with the body mass over 70 kg are recommended to start the treatment from 40 mg. It should be then raised in three days to 80 mg. If no improvement is observed in two to four weeks of the medication use, the daily dosage can be raised to the maximum of 120 mg. The recommended maintenance dosage is 80 mg.
The recommendations on the dosage adjustments in the presence of other conditions or diseases, list of adverse effects, and precautions can be found in the package insert or on the page of the product at the website of online drugstore RxShopMD.