July 27, 2024
Drug Rehab in Yountville

Typical Schedule at a Yountville, California Addiction Treatment Program

While contemplating checking into a Yountville drug rehab program, you will probably wonder what you should demand in a typical day at such a facility. Today, there are many different types of treatments and models of rehabilitation used. But, most programs will follow a therapy plan that is more or less standardized.

At a residential or inpatient addiction treatment program at Yountville drug rehab, California, the city is typically very organized and structured – and most centers have varying therapies and activities.

This is done this way to reduce uncertainty and stress among recovering individuals while allowing them to have the most complementary and most reliable setting available for recovery and healing.

Despite so, the day to day exercises at a substance abuse treatment center in Yountville, California, will increase depending on the services available and the setting allowed. Acknowledge the following example of a regular day at an alcohol and drug rehab center:


At most of those facilities, mornings are for making the right food into your body and early group sessions.

You could go for first morning meetings at some facilities – such as yoga – to center yourself and get ready for the day.

Alternatively, you could join a group session led by a therapist or counselor. This meeting will generally focus on different addiction treatment topics, 12 step programs, and ongoing recovery. It can also assist you in gaining clarity about your issues and learning about evading drugs and alcohol.


In the afternoon, our Yountville drug rehab, California, will require you to attend ongoing counseling daily. This is the most intense type of therapy you will receive at the program.

Once you have had a healthy lunch, you may be asked to attend counseling sessions to help you learn more about your addiction and overcome it in the long run.

In several cases, these meetings will include the use of a wide variety of treatment approaches, such as:

Learning how to control your anger

  • Grief counseling
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Group therapy
  • Family counseling
  • Individual behavioral therapy
  • Specialized sessions
  • Family counseling
  • Stress management

Nevertheless, unusual drug and alcohol treatment facilities will allow other specific therapies, which could add to your’s multitude of options. These alternative forms of treatment involve:

  • Biofeedback
  • Dance therapy
  • Art Therapy
  • Equine therapy
  • Music therapy
  • Exercise programs
  • Neurofeedback

Free Time

finally, the drug and alcohol rehab program in Yountville, California, will give you some free time to use as you choose. You can engage in meaningful, stress-free, and fun activities like swimming, basketball, ping-pong, volleyball, soccer, or even golfing during these moments. Alternatively, you could read, journal, pray and meditate.