July 27, 2024
What You Can and Can’t Pack To An Inpatient Addiction Recovery Center

When preparing to go to an inpatient addiction recovery center, knowing what items you are allowed to bring and what you are not is essential.

Inpatient addiction recovery centers provide a safe and supportive environment that helps individuals overcome their addictions. Knowing what you can and can’t pack to an inpatient addiction recovery center is essential to ensure you have everything you need during your stay.

While most centers have a strict list of what is allowed, they also understand that certain items may be essential for recovery.

This guide will help you understand what items are and are not allowed in an inpatient addiction recovery center so that you can be as well-prepared as possible for your stay.

What to Pack for an Inpatient Addiction Recovery Center?

a. Change of Clothes and Footwear

A change of clothes and footwear are among the most essential items you can bring to an inpatient addiction recovery center. These items allow you to keep your dignity and respect during your stay by allowing you to choose what you wear and what shoes you wear.

The change of clothes should contain a variety of clothes suitable for both warm and cool weather conditions. Don’t forget to pack a few pairs of socks and underwear.

b. Reading and Writing Material

A notebook or journal to write in is another essential item to help you stay focused and productive while you are in recovery. You can use this journal or notebook to write down any advice and guidance that you receive from the staff at your inpatient addiction recovery center.

c. Will to Recover

It is important to remember that you are there to recover. You will be away from home for an extended period, so it is essential to prepare for the long journey ahead.

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Your first few days at an inpatient drug rehab center can feel overwhelming but remember, as with anything new, your first few days may take time to adjust to if you have family members or peer support network members who can visit you, the better, as their support can go a long way.

What Not to Pack for an Inpatient Addiction Recovery Center

a. Alcohol or Drugs

If you are planning to pack alcohol or drugs, it is essential to remember that you are not allowed to bring those items to an inpatient addiction recovery center.

These items are not permitted and will be confiscated from you by the staff members at the recovery center or even lead to you being asked to leave the center if you are caught carrying them.

b. Weapons

If you are planning to bring a weapon to an inpatient addiction recovery center, it is best to leave it at home. If caught with a weapon at an inpatient addiction recovery center, you could be expelled or permanently banned from returning.

c. Cash

If you are planning to bring cash to an inpatient addiction recovery center, it is best not to bring it at all.

Cash is a beautiful item to bring to an inpatient addiction recovery center. It can be used to pay for admittance to the center and purchase items in the vending machines. However, cash is also easily converted to drugs and alcohol, and it is best to avoid bringing it to an inpatient addiction recovery center.

In Conclusion

You may feel entirely out of control when you first arrive at the center. This is completely normal, and you will feel this way for a while.

One of the best ways to get through your first few days of sobriety is to talk to the staff. The center staff is there to help, so they are more than happy to offer advice on how to navigate your time at the rehab facility.

Don’t pressure them, and don’t get frustrated if things don’t go as planned during your first few days of sobriety.