July 27, 2024
Relationships & The Addicted


In an addicted person’s life, intimate and sexual relationships are often the most affected. As long as someone is in the midst of addiction and not seeking support, it is almost difficult to have a stable relationship.

This is because addicts usually think about how to get their next fix and are sometimes oblivious to the feelings of others. In order to continue their practice, they can even engage in lying, cheating, stealing, and even illegal conduct.

Would Someone Choose to Stay in A Relationship with an Addict?

Many people have this issue in mind.

Yes, it is possible for addicts to be manipulative and even misleading. So why would the other person want to remain in the relationship because they realize that they are ‘troublemakers.’ Why not get rid of the toxic and negative relationship.

Sometimes, people dealing with addiction may often become violent, creating more stress for the other person in a relationship, physically or emotionally.

People remain in touch with addicts, believing that their love is powerful enough to heal them.

To compel the other person to remain, addicted people can also use their weakness. The kit that can be used in an excuse to keep the other person from leaving is all part of emotional coercion and promises to improve.

When kids are involved, it gets more difficult. The fear of taking them away from their comfort zone, emotional pain, and raising them as a single parent prevents many people away from the addicted person from taking the first step.

The companion will in many situations, encourage the addicted person to enter recovery services to improve their future. The sober partner will stay by their side and maintain a stable recovery after the hardship, which eventually saves the relationship.

However, it is better to terminate the relationship if the dependent person refuses medication, is physically violent, or exceeds all the limits of coercion.

Can A Person in Recovery Have a Romantic Relationship?

It is also recommended that individuals going through the recovery program should not have a romantic relationship until being sober for a year. It seems unreasonable to many as they feel that having a partner side by side would improve therapy’s effectiveness.

However several signs are treated along with addiction during the rehabilitation programs. Low self-esteem, low tolerance for anger, and co-dependence, for example, are all part of the issue that created the situation called addiction.

Addicted to Love?

For many, the first year of sobriety is typically demanding. Individuals involved in the services also seek a cure for the highs given by drugs and alcohol. Love addiction is likely in this case, which provides them with a euphoria similar to the old drug.

In co-relating their negative views with the “idol” conjured by their partner, the new love and the “honeymoon phase” of the relationship will confuse people. The ‘recovering’ person may also be distracted by a new relationship from the spiritual aspects of healing, taught during rehabilitation services.

The 12 Steps

Many individuals also enter the Alcoholics Anonymous 12-step process during the rehabilitation phase. This strategy teaches them to believe in high-power authority to assist in the healing process, such as God.

Some people get astray and discover their new interest in love as their ‘higher force.’ This is extremely dangerous because the person will fail you at any moment because they are simply just human, or the relationship can end. A relapse may also result from the breakdown of such a relationship.


For others, they may also have psychiatric disorders that co-occur with addiction, and inpatient or intensive outpatient care may be appropriate for the sufferer. Try this connection to find a dual diagnostic therapy center on the east coast.

What if someone gets involved romantically with a person who is recovering?

As we described above, addiction counselors encourage people who are ‘under-recovery’ to wait for at least a year of sobriety before entering a romantic relationship. This is because one of the leading causes of relapse during the early recovery phase is relationships.

Many recovery strategies, such as the 12-Step approach, concentrate on identifying their principles for the addictive person. Typically, they are in the process of becoming acquainted with themselves and dealing with everyday activities without relying on some kind of substance.

If you should meet someone who is engaging in a treatment program, though, make sure you inform yourself about the whole process. Take part in the treatment program’s discussion groups to listen to others and their perspectives.

Additionally, make sure you:

  • Take a slow partnership
  • Be a source of love and motivation, but note that nobody can be fixed.
  • As many addicts do not complete the rehabilitation process, make sure that you are prepared for the consequences.

Understand the causes of your partner urging the need to drink or take their desired drug. For instance, avoiding the place one used to hang out frequently while intoxicated

Make sure you put recovery first and encourage your partner to attend the necessary meetings and workshops instead of pressuring them to spend extra time with you.

Can Two Addicts Be in A Successful Relationship?

The brief response to this is… possibly not.

If two addicts engage in an intimate relationship, the negative effect on one another is more likely to continue. In fact, if one individual is not interested in healing, as they forget the consequences, they are more likely to persuade the other to continue their actions.

In most cases, by third-party involvement, two addicts are normally split up. The outsider can intervene and encourage both or one to participate in recovery. There might be a chance to revisit the relationship after effective treatment, but it will be hard.

Addicted couples are still not able to take part in counseling together. Each of them must concentrate on their own recovery-focus on themselves. They first and foremost need to sever the co-dependence they had with their partner and go through individual counseling in order to make the recovery succeed.

They can however, still help the rehabilitation of their partner, but their inner self is responsible for being sober and no one can take the responsibility for the treatment’s success/failure.

Final Thoughts

Sometimes, relations between non-addicts are complicated. They are more often than not among addicts, and also difficult. But you will be able to save it if you are determined to make it work-even with addiction in the mix. When going through the rough times, be careful, diligent, and optimistic, and you can indeed find your dream partner in a recovering addict.



