July 27, 2024
Mental Health And Nutritional Support

A well-balanced lifestyle with an adequate intake of vitamins and minerals is essential to maintain health in an optimal state. Undoubtedly vitamins have great importance in boosting physical fitness; however, due to a lack of awareness, many people are unaware of the crucial role vitamin and minerals play in mental, psychological, and emotional well-being.   Nutritional factors are interlinked with cognitive, behavior, and intellectual development. The balance between nutritional parameters improves brain functioning and mental stability; without proper balance, the mental strength can be affected, leading to different psychological and mental health problems. Let’s see essential vitamins for mental health.

Vitamin B:

Vitamin B is well known for its rescuing properties when struggling with depression, anxiety, and fears. Vitamin B promotes the brain to release happy hormones and chemicals that regulate moods and decreases depressive feelings. Vitamin B12 and B9 regulate the nervous system to function correctly by secreting dopamine, nor epinephrine, and serotonin. All these neurotransmitters play a vital role in regulating mental attentiveness, inducing positive feelings, and motivating attitude toward life, thus diminishing the struggles of people with psychological issues.

Vitamin D:

Extensive research and studies were conducted on the patients that are going through depression, and it was found that patients exhibited a significant deficiency in vitamin D levels in the body. It clearly emphasizes the importance of vitamin D not only for physical health but also for mental well-being. With its productive and anti-inflammatory properties, it plays a vital role in developing and growing the brain and nervous system. Besides this, vitamin D also regulates the normal functioning of the nervous system, reducing inflammation, and improving the oxygen and blood supply to the brain, thus reducing the risk of depressive disorders.

Vitamin C:

Undoubtedly, vitamin C is essential for immunity, skin, and bones; however, the neuropsychiatric and psychotherapeutic effects of vitamin C are surprisingly impressive. Researchers found that pregnancy plays a vital role in the synthesis, regulation, and proper functioning of the neurotransmitter essential for regulating mood and mental health. Many people are unaware of vitamin C deficiency’s impact on mental health. Research shows that those who exhibited vitamin C deficiency showed signs and symptoms of depression, fatigue, and mood irritability, which improved after receiving enough vitamin C.


One of the essential supplements for psychiatric treatment and rehabilitation is magnesium. Magnesium deficiency leads to fatigue, muscle pain, and spasm and affects the sleep cycle, leading to insomnia, Anxiety, depression, and ADHD. When magnesium is present in sufficient quantity in the body, it effectively plays its mental health role. One way magnesium helps the brain function properly is by blocking the release of stress hormones such as cortisol. Secondly, it promotes the synthesis and release of the mood-boosting hormones serotonin and dopamine, which ultimately decreases the sign and symptoms of depression, improves the mood sleep cycle, and reduces Anxiety.

At vitagains, we offer a broad range of health supplements and vitamins that everyone needs to keep their mental health in an optimal state. Visit now to get your best nutritional support now.