July 27, 2024
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To be a lifeguard needs you to be a good swimmer, actually not only good but a strong swimmer. To become a good swimmer you need a strong body and in this article, we have tried to guide you through the exercises that can make your body fit and active to become a good candidate to get registered in a lifeguard certification course.

How To Train Your Body

Get Fit

Being a good lifeguard is a physical challenge. You must be in good shape. Lifeguards adhere to Rules 10 and 20. Once they become aware of a potential problem, they must react within 10 seconds and be able to reach the person in 20 seconds.

  1. Practice swimming you have to be a strong swimmer to become a lifeguard. Swim and use a swim board to develop leg muscles. All certification programs require you to pass a time-limited swim test before proceeding.
  • Go to a swimming class with a professional to make sure your technique is correct.
  • Practice different swimming techniques such as freestyle, breaststroke or backstroke. Swimming in different ways works different muscles and makes you a stronger swimmer.

10 Amazing Benefits of Swimming You Never Knew - Lifehack

  1. Run to improve your cardiovascular fitness. This is necessary for swimming for a long time.
  • Go jogging on the beach if you can. Running on the sand is more difficult than running on the sidewalk or grass and is, therefore, more productive. Some people say it’s also good for the joints. Running in the sand prepares you more for a lifeguard stand at the beach.
  • Climb the stairs or the stadiums to develop strength in the lower part of your body. In order to swim as fast as possible, you must have strong legs that help propel you into the water. The lifeguard certification course especially focuses on body strength.
  1. Strengthen your upper body and upper body. Sometimes life and death are separated by a few seconds. You must have strong arms to save people faster.
  • Do dominate, bottoms, bench presses and push-ups to develop upper body and arm strength. Upper body strength is absolutely necessary to get victims to safety.
  • Do abs to strengthen those muscles. It is important that your whole body is in good shape. A thinner and stronger torso will help you get through the water faster.
  1. Practice holding your breath to develop your lung capacity. In some cases, the person you are trying to rescue is deep in the water or trapped in something, or you may have trouble getting them to the surface. In this case, you need to be able to hold your breath for a long time.
  2. Practice holding your breath to develop your lung capacity. In some cases, the person you are trying to rescue is deep in the water or trapped in something, or you may have trouble getting them to the surface. In this case, you need to be able to hold your breath for a long time.

Eat Healthily And Stay Hydrated

This is important for your education, but it’s also required if you’re taking on a job that involves spending time in the sun. When you sweat, your body quickly loses important nutrients. Always have a water bottle nearby.

Protect Your Skin From The Sun

Use a sunscreen with a higher sun protection factor (SPF) to protect against sunburn or skin cancer. You have more difficulty performing your lifeguard role if you experience pain when moving your limbs from a burn or if you are hospitalized for a serious skin condition.


These are some of the tips and tricks that make you fit and active to get a place in a lifeguard certification course. These tips are intended to make you make your body strong to swim fast while being at work. The lifeguard job is all about saving lives in water and near water. The lifeguard should be properly trained to perform his duty effectively.

The American Lifeguard Association is training lifeguards for over 30 years and has lifeguard certification courses that are considered equal to the Red Cross. If you are looking for a lifeguard certification course near you, contact us. We offer courses throughout the year according to your convenience.