July 27, 2024
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy: 5 Benefits for People Struggling with Mental Health

Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) is an evidence-based treatment used to treat individuals struggling with mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety disorders, and suicidal thoughts. If you’re curious about how this type of therapy can help you, this guide will tell you all you need to know, including the five most significant benefits of dialectical behaviour therapy.

1) Reduce Suicidal Thoughts

DBT includes a number of strategies that specifically address suicidal thoughts and behaviour. According to one study, DBT reduced these types of thoughts by 25% over a period of time, compared to an 8% reduction in participants who did not receive DBT. If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, it’s important to seek help from a qualified mental health professional. The best thing you can do is get educated about what resources are available in your area and how they can help.

2) Improve Communication

Whether you’re struggling with depression, anxiety, or another mental health issue, chances are your relationships have suffered. One of DBT’s aims is to teach people how to communicate more effectively and improve their relationships. If you’re stuck in a loop of unhealthy communication—yelling at someone or being passive-aggressive are just two examples—DBT can help.  In fact, one study found that after receiving DBT training, participants were able to identify hot spots that usually led to negative interactions and avoid them. Another study found that participants who received DBT training had better social support than those who didn’t receive any treatment.

3) Decrease Conflict and Anger in Relationships

For most people, being in a state of heightened anger is rare. But individuals who are struggling with mental health issues may struggle to control their emotions and find themselves getting into conflicts more often than they’d like. Dialectical behaviour therapy helps patients gain skills to regulate their emotions and communicate more effectively—helping them resolve their conflicts peacefully and making them better equipped to handle problems as they arise.  This can improve your relationships with family members, friends, coworkers and others.

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) - Blake Psychology

4) Develop Skills for Negotiation

The ability to negotiate is an essential skill to have in business. Whether you’re negotiating a payment plan with a client or trying to convince your boss that you need more vacation time, it’s important to be able to speak up and defend your position. DBT can help people develop these skills by teaching them how to identify their emotions and manage their impulses. In addition, DBT helps clients learn how to set boundaries with others as well as tolerate distress without acting on impulse. This may sound like common sense advice, but when you’re struggling with depression or anxiety, such strategies are harder than they seem.

5) Help Develop Compassion, Self-Acceptance, Forgiveness, and Change

Dialectical behaviour therapy is a form of cognitive-behavioural therapy that was designed specifically to treat people who struggle with emotions, especially those who have difficulty controlling their emotions and have a history of suicidal thoughts or acts.  It has been shown to be effective in reducing self-harm behaviours, depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. It’s also been found to help develop compassion, self-acceptance, forgiveness, and change.  These skills are important for all humans, but are particularly beneficial when it comes to managing mental health concerns. In addition, DBT can help you develop greater emotional intelligence and awareness so you can better understand your feelings and reactions. With practice, you can learn how to regulate your emotions and make positive changes in your life based on what you learn about yourself during treatment.