July 27, 2024
Why Should I Take Personalized Vitamins?

How does it feel to wander the vitamin aisles of your local retail store? Confusing?  Overwhelming? A bit scary? You are not alone. Most people are put off by the unregulated, “Wild West” of the vitamin industry. It is hard to know what is safe, evidence-based, and right for your individual needs.Doctors and pharmacists typically get 5 minutes of nutrition education in graduate school, and many have limited time to stay on top of the latest studies in nutritional supplements. Store clerks are even worse off in their knowledge of those bottles on the shelf. This lack of professional guidance and navigation makes it compelling to seek out a trustworthy personalized vitamin company that can help you sort out the nutrients and dosages that match your profile. This leads to the question, why take personalized vitamins? Because retail stores are not doing you any favors in setting up multiple aisles of nutritional supplement shelves crowded with products and limited shopping support.  

Vitamins, Diet, and Exercise


Benefits of Taking Multivitamin Supplements Everyday | Persona

Your Personal Vitamin Needs

When you complete a personalized vitamin survey, you get a series of recommendations that are tailored to your needs. However, personalized vitamin services handle those recommendations in different ways. Some services will assign you a pill pack, a baggie of daily pills that may require 10+ pills and powders at a cost that could easily exceed $100/monthly. It is tough for anyone to maintain that routine, and many people will give up on their personalized vitamin experience. Other companies will craft a targeted product for your needs. It is optimal to look for a service that can get you the personalized vitamin in the least number of pills. A customized all-in-one multivitamin can be a good first step into personalized nutrition, and sustainable from a pill requirement and financial cost across your lifetime. You should also look for a personalized vitamin company that will update your formula as your needs evolve. If you go to a doctor tomorrow, and learn that you have a health issue, like gastrointestinal problems, menopause, or heart risk, you need to be able to update your formula to reflect your current health status.       

Health, Wellness, and Balance

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Give your new personalized vitamin time to work. It often takes 60 to 90 days to feel the effects of a new vitamin. You may notice hair growth, nail thickness, skin clarity, or improvement in energy levels. However, many effects of vitamins will never be felt on an outward basis. You are likely to gain benefits such as chronic disease prevention,improvements in bone density, immune system support, circulatory improvement, and nervous system functioning that will never be “felt.” These are silent improvements in your health and wellness. So, how do you know if a vitamin is working? You need to trust that the company has done its part to align your vitamin formula with the leading scientific evidence, and calibrated your formula for individual traits. If this trust factor is present, then you can rest assured that your vitamin is performing its role in your health. Starting a personalized vitamin journey might help you more than you ever realize.